On 12/20/19, Joachim Schneider <toxo...@toxonic.net> wrote:
> hello all,
> i built an fx plugin in faust, which i imported to JUCE with faust2api.
> i checked the tutorial and managed to get a standalone JUCE application
> to run without issues. Then i tried to build a VST2 FX with JUCE, i set
> the paths to VST SDK correctly and it compiled and linked without any
> issues, but for some reason my host applications won't recognize the VST
> plugin (Carla, Ardour)? any ideas? am i missing any settings in Projucer?
> Maybe i'd be better of posting that question in the JUCE forum!? Thanks
> in advance!
> Joe

Steinberg released code for a minimal, toy VST host, called minihost.
I believe it's in the public.sdk/samples folder in the SDK download.
(In case you're running linux, the included version doesn't compile
there, but someone has patched it up to work, here:
https://github.com/ekenberg/vstminihost ).

I found it useful for debugging situations like this where hosts do
not seem to recognise your VST, because i) having the host code, you
can tweak it to adjust the host's behaviour, ii) you can build it with
gdb support and debug the function calls in question in gdb, and iii)
being a console application, you can output to stdout in your VST code
and read it on the console, which is also useful for seeing what has
or hasn't been called.

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