Hi All,

ro.interleave() is one of those functions I have to look up every time
because I can never remember which argument order I need.  To address this,
I finally "documented it" for myself so I will never need to look it up
again.  (Documenting things is a great way to burn them into memory.)  Here
is what I wrote in case it's helpful for anyone else:

// demo_interleave.dsp

import("stdfaust.lib"); // $FAUSTLIBS/routes.lib:140

// A bank of parallel signals in Faust may be interpreted as a vector.
// In a matrix, each column is a vector.  A matrix of signals in Faust
// is thus a bank of columns, or successive columns laid out
// vertically.  For example, an M-by-N matrix appears as M signals
// (the first column), followed below by another M signals (the next
// column), and so on, for a total of N columns, or M*N signals.

// Matrix transposition is efficiently accomplished in Faust using the
// ro.interleave(M,N) function, whose input is MxN and output is NxM.
// It could have been called matrix_transpose().

// Example: Transpose a 10x2 input matrix to yield a 2x10 output matrix

nRowsIn = 10;
nColsIn = 2;
process = ro.interleave(nRowsIn,nColsIn);

// (View it using faust2firefox or the Faust IDE at

On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 1:43 AM Yann Orlarey <orla...@grame.fr> wrote:

> Hi Lucian,
> A useful function, in this type of routing, is `ro.interleave(N,M)`. It
> has the advantage of requiring less work for the compiler, especially when
> N or M is large.
> import("stdfaust.lib");
> N = 10;
> process = ro.interleave(N,2) : par(i,N,*);
> https://faustide.grame.fr/?autorun=0&voices=0&name=nbinop&inline=aW1wb3J0KCJzdGRmYXVzdC5saWIiKTsKCk4gPSAxMDsKcHJvY2VzcyA9IHJvLmludGVybGVhdmUoTiwyKSA6IHBhcihpLE4sKik7Cgo%3D
> Yann
> Le mar. 7 sept. 2021 à 15:30, Lucian Boca <lucianb...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Haha awesome, thanks James!
>> I was just putting together a similar implementation based on your
>> previous email, ended up with:
>> ```
>> bop(f, items) = par(i, N, f(ba.selector(i, N, items))) with { N =
>> ba.count(items); };
>> ```
>> Super useful, thanks again!
>> On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 2:26 PM James Mckernon <jmcker...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 9/7/21, James Mckernon <jmcker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > I haven't time to work out the details now.
>>> Why do I lie like this? I couldn't resist trying it. I think this
>>> should be you what you want.
>>> ba = library("basics.lib");
>>> bop(op, list) = par(i, ba.count(list), op(ba.take(i + 1,list)));
>>> process = (1,2,3,4) : bop(*, (2,3,4,5));
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