I'm new to this list, so hello to everyone :)

Is anyone using the mephisto.lv2 plugin by Open Music Kontrollers on Arch Linux? It is working for me (when installing the package from the community repository), but for some reasons only the standard Faust functions are working - "import stdfaust.lib" seems to be ignored. I also tried the "nightly build" version downloaded from Github (and opened an issue there some weeks ago, but it has not been answered yet) which has the same problem.

Building from source does not work - my Faust library seems to be too new. I get "ninja: error: '/usr/lib/libfaust.so.2.38.4', needed by 'mephisto.so', missing and no known rule to make it". I'm compiling Faust from source so I'm using version 2.38.13. I even tried to create a soft link from libfaust.so.2.38.13 to libfaust.so.2.38.4, but then a differend error comes up: "fatal error: faust/dsp/llvm-c-dsp-h: No such file or directoy". I do have the llvm package installed though.

Anyone having an idea of how to get the stfaust.lib functions to work? (Or to succesfully compile?) It would be such a nice thing to use the LV2 in Reaper :)

I'd be very happy about any help or suggestions,
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