
Yesterday I played with ba.tabulate() and I think we can have a better
helper which approximates an unary function using chebyshev polynomials
more accurately:

        chebtab(CK, FX, NX,CD, X0,X1, x) = y with {
                ck(0) = _;
                ck(1) = max(0) : min(NX-1);

                NC =  CD + 1;
                DX = (X1 - X0) / NX;
                nx = (x  - X0) / DX : int : ck(CK);
                xc(n) = X0 + DX * (n + 1/2);
                ch(i) = chtab(NC * nx + i);

                y = (x - xc(nx)) * 2/DX <: sum(i,NC, ch(i) * ma.chebychev(i));

                mapfx(nx, x) = FX(xc(nx) + DX/2 * x);

                gench(nx, nc) = (1+(nc!=0))/NC * sum(k,NC,
                        mapfx(nx, cos(ma.PI*(k+1/2)/NC)) * 

                chtab = rdtable(NX*NC, (ba.time <: int(/(NC)), %(NC) : gench));


        _ : chebtab(CK, FX, NX,CD, X0,X1) : _

        CK: force the index in [X0, X1] range

        FX: unary function

        NX: number of segments
        CD: degree of the chebyshev polynomials

        X0: range minimal value
        X1: range maximal value

chebtab() splits the interval [X0,X1] into NX segments, and for each segment
it calculates CD+1 coefficients for ma.chebychev(0) .. ma.chebychev(CD). IOW,
it uses rdtable as 2-dimensional array [NX][CD+1], so its size is NX * (CD+1).

Lets compare chebtab() with ba.tabulate().cub, test-case:

        CK = 0;
        FX = sin;
        NX = 50;
        CD = 3;
        X0 = 0;
        X1 = ma.PI;

        // Both ch() and tb() create rdtable of size = 200, both use
        // cubic polynomials, so this comparison is more or less fair.
        ch(x) =     chebtab(CK, FX, NX, CD,    X0,X1, x);
        tb(x) = ba.tabulate(CK, FX, NX*(CD+1), X0,X1, x).cub;

        maxerr = abs : max ~ _;
        line(n, x0,x1) = x0 + (ba.time%n)/n * (x1-x0);
        process = line(50000, X0,X1) <: FX-tb,FX-ch : par(i,2,maxerr);


        $ cheb-plot -n 50000 | tail -1

        0.00349552557   5.07155429e-09

as you can see chebtab() is much more accurate. And according to my quick
testing it is even a little bit faster but I won't insist on that.

Just in case... tabulate().cub can be improved, it.interpolate_cubic() is
simply wrong near X0 or X1, but chebtab() will be more accurate anyway.

Do you think it can live in basics.lib ?


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