Sion Touhig writes:
"In reality, what is happening on the web is the transfer of the authors'
labour to large corporations for nothing. Anti-copyright lobbyists have
become either unwitting allies, or shills, for big business. "

It's quite the opposite. Pro-copyright lobbyists for the 'little guy' are
only helping the large corporations.

It is not the magic sigil (C) that makes punters pay the photographer, it is
the fact they want a decent photo, and the photographer gets to keep the
negatives. The copyright only ever had any relevance to traditional
publishers, as they were they only ones who could ever afford to prosecute

You can't put the genie back in the bottle - even for the sake of millions
of hard working little guys.

The best we can do is let the photographer deal with their audience
directly. We can recreate the situations where the photographer keeps the
negatives, i.e. they keep the high resolution original and let out low
resolution previews. The audience can then club together to pay for the
release of the high resolution version.

Photographers can still sell their labour in a free market even if copyright
is a chocolate teapot and everyone has photo-reproduction equipment.

Making copyright infringements attract a million quid fine and/or ten years
in jail does not actually accomplish anything if the little guy still needs
to catch one of millions of culprits, and needs to mortgage their house to
afford the prosecution.

"Stronger copyright for the little guy" is an oxymoron.

Any time you want your copyright enforced against an infringing 'large
corporation', you simply find another larger 'large corporation' with deeper
pockets and sell them your copyright.

Copyright is not a weapon designed to be wielded by artists, but by their

Unless, of course, you make copyright infringement a criminal offense to be
prosecuted by the state, requiring only the merest of tip-offs by the
aggrieved author. Do millions of little guys really want this to happen?

Copying binary digits = grand theft digital ????

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