I should add that the GPL does not have such a thing as a 'free riding
The GPL is about granting and preserving liberty. There is no obligation to
reciprocate labour or money. And there's certainly no prohibition against
commercial exploitation whether of derivatives or perfect copies.
The GPL contrives liberty - hence free software as in freedom, not as in
beer (nor barter).
A gift economy is an epiphenomenon of liberty - it is not forced through
legal compulsion (for then it would no longer be a gift).
The GPL does not compel the commercial exploiter to 'gift' their
modifications back to the community.
It is the height of sophistry to say that because the GPL compels the
preservation of liberty, that compulsion is therefore ethically justifiable
per se, e.g. in compelling non-commercial exploitation.
This is the same semantic abuse that occurs when people suggest that the BSD
is a freer license than the GPL because it grants the licensee greater
freedom of choice.
The fundamental schism between the GPL/FC and CC is that the former is
wholly focussed on emancipating the public, whereas the latter remains
focussed on benefitting the publisher (at the expense of the public's
Note also that the GPL embraces the right for an artist to sell their labour
(without needing permission), whereas CC-NC is happy to suspend this right
for the publisher's benefit, that they may then sell it back to those
members of the public who'd like to build upon public works.
Lessig still hasn't let go of the notion that copyright's suspension of the
public's liberty is there for the publisher's benefit, to be restored in any
respect only if it is in the publisher's interest and preference.
Lessig's message isn't liberation for the people, but a lesson on how they
can make their own robes from the same sheer fabric as he once made for
their emperor.
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