Rob Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonathan Baker-Bates wrote:
> > What is the effect of registering something like Peter Rabbit as a trade
> > mark instead of having it protected by copyright? 
> - Control is perpetual.
> - Control extends to any use of the character, not just a single 
> instance as with copyright. [...]

No, trademarks are controlled primarily for use in trade.  There are
various uses which are explicitly listed as non-infringing in the
Trade Marks Act and many other uses from case law.  That's why
registering Peter Rabbit is useful for money-making, but not as useful
for artistic control.  IANAL etc but see

Hope that explains,
MJ Ray - see/vidu
Somerset, England. Work/Laborejo:
IRC/Jabber/SIP: on request/peteble.

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