It seems to me that the Free Culture movement is co-opting yet another
multinational capitalist corporation.


Oh right yeah. Like that's the way it's happening. I'm starting to feel sorry for IBM, Apple, Sun, Sony and all the suckers at the mercy of the *killer* instincts of the Free Culture/Creative Commons movement. Ooh, I'll get you you nasty corporation, take this free photo, yeah, and this free movie, yeah go on, bet you're scared now... here have all my life.. go on.. ha.. we got you.. what you gonna do now? Its all SHARED... ha ha... FREE... he he... see how we *twist* your corporate minds...

Myspace? Facebook? Youtube? Web 2.0? Wrap free user-produced content in advertising, subscription and micropayments? Make millions through an IPO? Cash out on all the sucker investors and pensions companies who can't tell new technology from their elbow? Another stock boom, lots of rich young things in the valley?

Shit. Didn't see that one coming.

He who sups with the devil should use a long spoon....

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