On 5/30/07, Tim Cowlishaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For instance, how much of the profit generated by companies
such as IBM and Red Hat from Free Software products (both often trumpteded
as massive commercial successes of Free Software) finds it's way back to the
community of developers who made the software?

IBM/Red Hat/Other reputable free software companies make money by
providing services around free software to customers. They then employ
people to work full time on the major projects (the Linux Kernel,
GNOME etc). They also participate (spreading their employee's
expertise) in other ways such as conferences. Money direct to the
community would include things like donations to ODSL, iBiblio. This
in turn gains them improved software, huge community good will, and
more expertise they can use to solve their customer's problems and
leads to a cycle.

How this would work in a free culture context is another matter?
Direct copying of the above paragraph:

"YouTube"esque company makes money by selling advertising which is
then presented around the content. They then employ people to work
full time on free culture works (under CC licenses for example). They
participate by sponsoring shows or awards (rather than technical
conferences). They could donate money to community organisations
like...? This would lead to more people visiting the site and seeing
the ads etc. etc.

There are several key differences:
1) Where money comes from - Customers vs advertisers
2) Purpose of the product - Productivity vs enjoyment
3) Development of the work - software can get new functionality from
downstream vs a book is a lot more fixed (on the other hand, offering
a world where short stories/books etc can play out enables a world to
be created which can be more dynamic if defined as say an encyclopedia
of facts about the world - a service managing that would most
accurately allow free culture to mirror free software development IMO)
- The individual work in the Cathedral, but the universe can be the
bazarr. Does that make any sense?

These are just top-of-the-head lunchtime thoughts so forgive the sketchiness.

x x

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