On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Jim Hall wrote:

> Natasha Portillo wrote:
> > Does ncurses exist for DOS?
> >
> Yes.  Here are some different implementations:
> http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/49466.html
> Unix Curses window lib for TurboC++/BorlandC++
> http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/49473.html
> Unix Curses window lib for MSDOS (MSC & TC)
> http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/49567.html
> Unix-compatible version of Curses screen mgmt
> http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/49568.html
> System V Curses library for DOS/OS2 - C source
> http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/49630.html
> Beta test version of Unix 'curses' for MS-DOS

Here's another one (the best known)


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