Hi, thanks for the update!

But I get a strange bug: EDIT opens EDIT.EXE (I think, argv[0]) when I give
a single command line argument. When I give TWO arguments, it opens first
EDIT.EXE and then the file (or all files, when there are wildcards) that
match the first argument. AND it opens them in the directory of EDIT.EXE,
not in the current directory (unless I explicitly give a directory, of course).
When I give N arguments, EDIT opens all selected files except the one selected
by the last argument. This is why it ONLY opens EDIT.EXE when I give one
argument, I assume.

Tabs are not expanded on load, but I think this should be a configurable

Now all chars apart from CR, LF, BS, TAB, ESC (?) can be typed directly
(tested in DOSEMU), but all but ESC are of course translated correctly.
I wonder why ESC still does not work, maybe ANSI eats it?
CR and LF are both translated to CRLF, by the way, and BS is translated
to "remove that char" and thus not stored, of course.

The "AltGr is no Alt" patch works in Dosemu.
The wildcard processing seems to be okay now, too. Not sure about that.
The root directory patch also seems to work.
In Dosemu, edit now seems to ignore Ctrl C and Ctrl Break completely, but
this is definitely better than crashing.

What do you think, would it make sense to have a C waitforretrace() that
is always used, removing the assembly part completely? I think the syntax
for port I/O (and cli/sti, disable()/enable()) often varies between

I do not understand why the calendar would require C++...?

Maybe the abovementioned argv bug is related to Jeremies ENABLEGLOBALARGV

This is related, too, I guess:
-    n_files = argc - n_options;
+    n_files = argc - n_options - 1/*argv[0]*/;
(in EDIT.C)

Did somebody find other bugs with plain DOS and/or after compiling
with Turbo C 2.01 ? Or made a patch for the bugs mentioned above (and
in READ.ME) ? Thanks...!


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