Welcome to our issue number 80 of Fedora Weekly News.


In this issue, we have following articles:

1 2 Million Fedora Core 6 Installs
2 Fedora Core 6 Linux Eclipses 2M User Mark
3 Talking points for Fedora 7 release
4 Fedora Infrastructure needs your help!
5 Fedora 7 and the wireless world
6 Ambassadors Report: Chemnitz LinuxTag
7 Review: Fedora 7 Test 2
8 Security Week in Review 2007-03-04
9 Fedora Weekly Reports 2007-03-05
10 Fedora Core 5 and 6 Updates
11 Contributing to Fedora Weekly News
12 Editor's Blog

The latest issue can always be found at

We need more volunteer writers who watch the Fedora community and report 
about what is going on. To find out how you can contribute, please visit

See you in next issue of FWN!
Thomas Chung
FedoraNEWS.ORG (http://fedoranews.org)
"..where you can free your knowledge for your free community!"

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