The migration to Mediawiki is finally complete!  The technical side,
that is.  Now is the part where we all learn how to migrate our
knowledge and clean-up content.

There are many things you need to keep in mind while exploring and
learning this new environment.  Yes, the markup language is a little
different, but there are also new conventions to learn.

As you proceed, use this page to guide you:

Put a watch on that page, that is your best resource for initial problem
resolution.  It's important to know that some formatting and perhaps
some content has not cleanly migrated.  If you come across an error,
edit and fix the problems you see.  With our many eyes and hands we make
this transition as painless as possible.

For initial support, how-to help, and so forth, visit #fedora-docs on  Technical issues are escalated to #fedora-admin.
Refer to [[FedoraProject:Wiki_migration_to-do]] for more on this.

Keep the following in mind:

 * Log in with your FAS username.  We no longer use WikiName.  If you
don't have a FAS username, obtain one at

 * MANUALLY move your old home page to the new location
of /wiki/User:username.  For example, I moved /wiki/MikeMcGrath
to /wiki/User:Mmcgrath.  Mediawiki handles the redirect properly so your
old link continues to work.

 * Your list of watch pages are _NOT_ migrated over.  This is because
mediawiki does not support regular expressions. Instructions for
migrating your watchlist are on the
[[FedoraProject:Wiki_migration_to-do]] page.

 * Page restrictions - The ACL system is now controlled by the admin
team.  If you find an ACL you had put in place no longer works, please
contact admin fedoraproject org or stop by #fedora-admin on

 * HTML is no longer allowed.  Due to security concerns (that also
existed in Moin) raw HTML is no longer allowed in page source. Read
[[FedoraProject:Wiki_migration_to-do#Images_and_Attachments]] for more

 * Attachments in MediaWiki are all stored in one location.  They have
been migrated.  As an example, if the old attachment was at:

   ./Marketing/Flyer/ attachment:fc6_front.png

   The new location for it is:


 * Browse all attachments and images at [[Special:Uncategorizedimages]]

 * The old wiki continues to be available in read-only mode at for $unspecified_amount_of_time after
the migration.  The
has tips on obtaining raw source content from that wiki if needed.

Following this migration, we'll begin discussing and rolling out
procedures to take advantage of other MediaWiki features, such as
categories and namespaces.

Thanks for your support,

Mike McGrath, on behalf of the wiki migration team

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