Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 179[1] for the week ending June 7, 2009.

In this, the issue immediately prior to the impending release of Fedora 11, we 
have a fine bevy of news for you. Fedora elections are open for voting in the 
various positions, please participate if you are eligible. John Polestra has 
also been elected to the Fedora Board for a two release term. From around the 
Fedora Planet, Fedora 11 podcasts, details on fingerprint authentication in 
F11, and thoughts on ensuring Fedora teams sustainability from Fedora leader 
Paul W. Frields. In Ambassadors, a reminder to please send in news about 
upcoming Fedora events in your area. In QA news, details on this past weekly 
meeting, deeply focused in pre-Fedora 11 final testing and pre-upgrade status. 
In the Translation beat, the release notes for Fedora 11 have been completed 
and are ready for translation rebuild after the Fedora 11 Release Announcement. 
The Fedora Localization Project welcomed new contributors for Latvian and 
Russian, Chinese, Italian, traditional Chinese and Korean and Spa
 nish this past week! The Fedora Design team is already thinking about Fedora 
12 'themeability' of some of the proposed codenames for F12. Also some great 
artwork for an upcoming FUDCon in Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil. In Security news, 
details on .ORG becoming the first top-level domain to sign their zone with 
DNSSEC and implications for other domains. Our issue this week rounds up with 
news from virtualization teams, including updates on libvirt 0.6.4, thoughts of 
virtualization features for Fedora 12, and much more. Enjoy!

We are still looking for several writers to take up dormant beats in Fedora 
development, OLPC, and other potential areas. If you are interested in 
contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 'join' page[2]. We welcome 
reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue179
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora 11 (Leonidas) ---

Fedora 11 is coming on Tuesday June 9. Check out the tour[1].

Rawhide has officially moved to Fedora 12 content[2].

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_tour

--- Elections ---

By the time you are reading this, the current round of Fedora elections will be 
taking place. All the information[1] that you need for voting is included in 
the reference link.


---- Fedora Board ----

John Poelstra[1] has been appointed to the Fedora Board, for a two-release 
term. Paul Frields[2] wrote[3], "Many of our contributors know John from his 
work in many capacities around the Project, from work with the Fedora Bug 
Zappers, maintaining our release schedule, and facilitating meetings for many 
of our community teams. He will bring a unique perspective and experience to 
our team."

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Poelstra
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Pfrields

--- FUDCons and FADs ---

This section previews upcoming Fedora Users & Developers Conferences, as well 
as upcoming Fedora Activity Days.

---- Fedora Activity Day: Development Cycle ----

In North America, Jesse Keating announced[1] an upcoming Fedora Activity Day[2] 
"for maintainers, QA, and release engineering folks to meet and discuss ongoing 
issues with the Fedora Development Cycle and to create a proposal on how to fix 
many of the issues. Note, this is not an event to decide on a solution, it is 
an event to decide on a proposal, which will then be shared with the whole 
community for more input and work."


---- FUDCon Porto Alegre 2009 ----

FUDCon Porto Alegre[1] will take place June 24-27 in Brazil. About 30 people 
have signed up so far, and we're hopeful for an attendance of over 100.

If you would like more information, please visit the wiki page.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:LATAM_2009

---- FUDCon Berlin 2009 ----

FUDCon Berlin[1] will be held from June 26-28, and we're got over 130 people 
pre-registered for the event.

If you would like more information, please visit the wiki page.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009

--- Upcoming Events ---

Consider attending or volunteering at an event near you!

June 8-10: FAD Fedora Development Cycle[1] in Raleigh, North Carolina.

June 9: Fedora 11 Release Party[2] in Managua, Nicaragua.

June 13: Fedora 11 Release Party[3] in Wageningen, The Netherlands.

June 12-13: VCNSL[4] in Maracay/Aragua, Venezuela.

June 13: Southeast Linuxfest[5] in Clemson, South Carolina.

June 14: Docs FAD @ Southeast Linuxfest[6] in Clemson, South Carolina

June 17-19: Open Source Bridge[7] in Portland, Oregon.

June 24-27: FUDCon Porto Alegre[8] in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

June 24-27: LinuxTag[9] in Berlin, Germany.

June 26-28: FUDCon Berlin[10] in Berlin, Germany.

   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Yn1v/Fedora_UCA_jun09
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora11Wau
   4.  http://cnsl.org.ve/
   5.  http://southeastlinuxfest.org/
   6.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_SELF
   7.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSBRIDGE_2009
   8.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDConLATAM2009
   9.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuxTag2009
  10.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDConBerlin2009

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an aggregation 
of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

   1.  http://planet.fedoraproject.org

--- General ---

Thorsten Leemhuis explained[1] why he believes that Fedora should ensure that 
kmods work well, while leaving the actual kmods themselves in RPM Fusion.

Jack Aboutboul linked[2] to the Fedora 11 Podcast interview with Jonathan 
Dieter about Presto, which allows users to update their RPM-based system 
without having to download entire RPM files (only their deltas are downloaded).

Jef Spaleta announced[3] that a record 1,996,040 unique IPs accessed 
fedoraproject.org over May 2009.

Peter Hutterer explained[4] how X handles mouse button mappings (it's not as 
easy as you think!) and continued[5] with "XI2 Recipes, Part 1" and example 
programs that can support multiple mouse cursors and keyboard foci.

Karsten Wade wrote[6] about the process necessary to vote in the FESCo and 
Fedora Board election, from signing the CLA to joining a contributing 

Jack Aboutboul interviewed[7] Bastien Nocera, "long time Fedora Contributor and 
Desktop Renaissance Man" about authentication and fingerprinting in F11/12.

Dave Malcolm released[8] a new version (0.4) of squeal, the command line text 
query tool, with a number of new features include the ability to handle 
arbitrary text files (split on whitespace like awk, or use regular expressions) 
and support for pcap (tcpdump/wireshark) dump files.

Max Spevack answered[9] the age-old question "why is Fedora always released on 
a Tuesday?"

Paul W. Frields published[10] a "Fedora teams’ call to action" which might be 
described as a number of important points to make Fedora teams more 
"sustainable" (how would a team cope if a contributor was eaten by a dinosaur?)

   3.  http://jspaleta.livejournal.com/43194.html
   4.  http://who-t.blogspot.com/2009/06/button-mapping-in-x.html
   5.  http://who-t.blogspot.com/2009/05/xi2-recipes-part-1.html
   6.  http://iquaid.org/2009/06/03/power-from-the-people-power-for-the-people/
   8.  http://dmalcolm.livejournal.com/3069.html
   9.  http://spevack.livejournal.com/82143.html
  10.  http://marilyn.frields.org:8080/~paul/wordpress/?p=2500

-- Ambassadors --

In this section, we cover Fedora Ambassadors Project[1].

Contributing Writer: Larry Cafiero

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors

--- Fedora 11 released this week ---

Fedora 11 will be released on Tuesday, June 9, and with it a variety of 
activities around the release will be forthcoming. As such, with the upcoming 
release of Fedora 11, this is a reminder that posting your event on Fedora 
Weekly News can help get the word out. Contact FWN Ambassador correspondent 
Larry Cafiero at lcafiero-AT-fedoraproject-DOT-org with announcements of 
upcoming events -- and don't forget to e-mail reports after the events as well.

-- QualityAssurance --

In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1].

Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA

--- Test Days ---

There was no Test Day last week, as we are deep in the Fedora 11 final release 

Currently, no Test Day is scheduled for next week - it is too close to the 
scheduled release of Fedora 11 for any testing to produce results directly in 
Fedora 11 final release, but if you would like to propose a test day which 
could result in changes for post-release updates, or an early test day for 
Fedora 12, please contact the QA team via email or IRC, or file a ticket in QA 

   1.  https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/

--- Weekly meetings ---

The QA group weekly meeting[1] was held on 2009-06-03. The full log is 
available[2]. Adam Williamson reported that he had finally remembered to ask 
the Bugzilla team to add a link to the Fedora bug workflow page[3] from the 
Bugzilla page[4]. This has been done, and the link will show up with the next 
refresh of Bugzilla.

James Laska reported that he has now sent out the survey about Fedora 11 Test 
Days, asking participants for feedback on how the events went and any possible 
improvements that could be made[5]. Some feedback had already been received, 
and much more was expected.

Will Woods reported that he had added two test cases for preupgrade [6], [7], 
and updated the release candidate test matrix for RC3[8].

The group discussed how to handle the installation test result matrix wiki 
page[9] between release candidate revisions. James Laska committed to work out 
his best solution and send it to the mailing list.

Adam Williamson reported that he had added an entry to the Fedora 11 Common 
Bugs page[10] for bug #502077[11], but that the bug would now be fixed for 
final release and so the note should be removed. He clarified that issues which 
will be fixed for final release should just be removed from the page, not moved 
to the planned 'Resolved Issues' section.

The group discussed the state of Fedora 11 final release preparation. In 
general building of release candidates and testing was progressing smoothly. 
James Laska asked that the group make an effort to confirm the fixes for the 
nine release-critical issues marked as MODIFIED in Bugzilla.

The group then discussed the appropriate way to document bug #503824[12], where 
installation fails in certain circumstances on an x86-64 system with only 512MB 
of memory. In the end it was decided the most appropriate way to address this 
would be in the minimum hardware requirements. Adam Williamson volunteered to 
add a request for some appropriate text to be added to an existing bug report 
on revision of the minimum requirements.

James Laska then started a brainstorming session for a general review of QA's 
role during the Fedora 11 cycle. Many ideas were contributed by the entire 
group. A summary of these is available on the meeting page[13].

The Bugzappers group weekly meeting[14] was held on 2009-06-02. The full log is 
available[15]. John Poelstra reported on progress of the housekeeping changes 
for Fedora 11's release, and the group agreed that he was doing a fine job and 
should keep it up.

Adam Williamson reported on the progress of the triage metric system. The 
system[16] is now running on the real Bugzilla data, updated nightly. The 
system is now in its beta stage, and the developer Brennan Ashton asks that 
people experiment with it and report bugs or feature requests to trac[17] 
(component triageweb).

Adam Williamson also reported on the progress of the proposal to include 
setting the priority / severity fields as part of triage. It is now waiting on 
a change by the Bugzilla maintainers to restrict access to the priority and 
severity fields. This is being tracked in a bug report[18]. Niels Haase noted 
that he had already begun setting severity on reports he is triaging, according 
to the policy, and had not yet met with any resistance on the part of 
reporters. The group agreed that triagers could go ahead and begin setting the 
severity field ahead of the change to Bugzilla, if they would like to.

Niels Haase flagged up a bug[19] for possible inclusion in the Fedora 11 Common 
Bugs page. It involves resume from suspend failing when using the nouveau 
graphics driver. After some discussion, the group agreed it should be added to 
the list.

John Poelstra announced that he would be stepping back from some of his 
leadership role within the BugZappers group, though remaining involved in many 
ways. The group thanked him for all his efforts so far. Adam Williamson, Edward 
Kirk and Niels Haase will cover meeting arrangements for the foreseeable future.

Steven Parrish mentioned that he intended to go through all still-open Fedora 9 
bugs for the components he triages, and try to determine whether they were 
still valid for a current release (and if so change them to that release), in 
advance of the automated closing of Fedora 9 bugs for EOL. Adam Williamson 
suggested he also mention this idea on the mailing list.

The next QA weekly meeting will be held on 2009-06-10 at 1600 UTC in 
#fedora-meeting, and the next Bugzappers weekly meeting on 2009-06-09 at 1500 
UTC in #fedora-meeting.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Meetings
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Meetings/20090603
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/BugStatusWorkFlow
   4.  https://bugzilla.redhat.com/page.cgi?id=fields.html
   5.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2009-June/msg00160.html
   6.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Preupgrade
   7.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Preupgrade_from_older_release
   8.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Fedora_11_RC3_Install_Test_Results
   9.  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Fedora_11_RC2_Install_Test_Results
  10.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F11_bugs
  11.  http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=502077
  12.  http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=503824
  14.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/Meetings
  15.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/Meetings/Minutes-2009-Jun-02
  16.  http://publictest14.fedoraproject.org/triageweb/
  17.  http://fedorahosted.org/triage
  18.  http://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=495985
  19.  http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=459323

--- Release candidate build availability ---

Following on from last week's discussion of the availability of release 
candidate builds, Andre Robatino announced[1] that he had built and made 
available delta ISOs - files containing the difference between two ISO images, 
allowing the reconstruction of the latest final image - for RC2, from Fedora 11 
Preview. He later made delta ISOs available for RC3 and RC4. The group 
continued to discuss the feasibility of getting quickly-revised pre-release 
builds available from the public mirror system using various methods, but no 
conclusion has yet been reached.

   1.  https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2009-May/msg01372.html

--- Bugzilla statistics ---

Brennan Ashton released[1] the first weekly Bugzilla statistics roundup, 
derived from the new triage metrics system. The response was enthusiastic, with 
requests and suggestions for more information from Jóhann Guðmundsson[2] and 
Christopher Beland[3]. There were also several positive responses on the 
development mailing list, where the information was also posted.

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2009-June/msg00093.html
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2009-June/msg00097.html
   3.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2009-June/msg00121.html

--- 'How to report bugs' page revised ---

Adam Williamson announced[1] that he had made some changes to the main Wiki 
page on how to report bugs[2]. In particular, he had revised the section 
providing advice on what information to include in particular types of bug 
report to be more consistent. He encouraged everyone to contribute this type of 
information: if you know of specific information which is usually required when 
filing a particular type of bug (or a bug on a particular component), add this 
information following the layout used in the appropriate section of the page[3].

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2009-June/msg00137.html
   2.  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bugs_and_feature_requests

--- Fedora 11 Test Day survey ---

James Laska posted a survey[1] on the Fedora 11 Test Day process, asking for 
feedback on various facets of the process and suggestions for future 
improvements. The response was wide and enthusiastic, across both the QA and 
the development mailing lists, with many useful and constructive suggestions 
from testers and developers alike. James and Adam Williamson responded to 
several of the suggestions, affirming that many would be considered for 
implementation during the Fedora 12 Test Day cycle.

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-test-list/2009-June/msg00160.html

-- Translation --

This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n) 

Contributing Writer: Runa Bhattacharjee

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N

--- Fedora 11 Release Notes on docs.fedoraproject.org ---

John J. McDonough announced that all the suggestions related to the Fedora 11 
Release Notes have been updated on docs.fedoraproject.org[1]. The languages 
updated after this build would be rebuilt after the Fedora 11 Release 
Announcement and posteed on docs.fedoraproject.org.

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-June/msg00000.html

--- Fedora 11 Release Announcement Ready for Translation ---

The Release Announcement for Fedora 11 is ready for translation[1]. However, 
the local language teams can also create their own announcements based upon the 
key talking points[2].

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-June/msg00014.html
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-June/msg00003.html

--- New members in FLP ---

Jurijs Kolomijecs[1] (Latvian and Russian), Zhang Wei[2] (Chinese), Favio 
Ziviello[3] (Italian), Tom.K.C. Chiu[4] (Traditional Chinese and Korean), 
Dennis Tobar[5] (Spanish) joined the Fedora Localization Project last week.

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-May/msg00190.html
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-June/msg00001.html
   3.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-June/msg00004.html
   4.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-June/msg00005.html
   5.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-June/msg00020.html

-- Artwork --

In this section, we cover the Fedora Design Team[1].

Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork

--- Looking Forward to Fedora 12 Themes ---

On behalf of the Board and as part of the process to select a code name for 
Fedora 12[1] Paul Frields asked for input[2] on @design-team: "As you're 
probably aware we are working early on the F12 naming process, to provide the 
Fedora Design team plenty of time for theming the next release, as requested". 
He is trying to find out if the candidates on the the list going from Board to 
Legal have the potential for a visual theme: "I would like the Design team to 
look at these names and give me some indication of their themeability". Various 
members of the team outlined directions which can be followed for any of the 
candidates, with the general opinion being favourable[3]: "after a quick read 
of the list, I don't see anything as unthemeable as "sulphur", so any of the 
choices are acceptable IMO".

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Name_suggestions_for_Fedora_12

--- Graphics for FUDCon - LATAM ---

Jayme Ayres reported[1] and asked for feedback on @design-team about a number 
of graphics he made for the upcoming FUDCon LATAM[2] in Porto Alegre, Brazil: 
"Here are the designs that we use in Fudcon LATAM at FISL 10 (Porto Alegre-RS - 
Brasil). The posters will still be chosen, only the poster of FUDCon is 

   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDConLATAM2009

--- Media Art Adjustments ---

At the last minute Max Spevack reported[1] a number of issues encountered by 
the media production company with the Fedora 11 media art: "The artwork is too 
big", "All files related to the CD/DVD case contain transparencies and this 
could bring some problems by printing out the files", "there's a no-embedded 
font", "In the labels is indicated a missing font". The problems were solved[2] 
quickly by Máirín Duffy with an update[3] of the files.


-- Security Week --

In this section, we highlight the security stories from the week in Fedora.

Contributing Writer: JoshBressers

--- .ORG DNSSEC ---

This week .ORG became the first TLD to sign their zone with DNSSEC [1]

This is sort of a big deal, as most everyone agrees DNSSEC[2] will happen in 
the future, but nobody has really taken any steps to make it happen. It falls 
in the same bucket as IPv6. It will happen, it will be nice when it does, but 
it's going very very slowly.

Many organizations will be watching how this goes for .ORG, if it goes well, 
it's quite likely DNSSEC will see rapid deployment, but if it goes bad, it may 
slow things even more than they currently are.

   1.  http://blog.pir.org/?p=349
   2.  http://www.dnssec.net/

-- Virtualization --

In this section, we cover discussion of Fedora virtualization technologies on 
the @et-mgmnt-tools-list, @fedora-xen-list, and @libvirt-list lists.

Contributing Writer: Dale Bewley

--- Fedora Virtualization List ---

This section contains the discussion happening on the fedora-virt list.

---- New Release libguestfs 1.0.41 ----

Richard Jones announced[1] "version 1.0.41 of 
image:Echo-package-16px.pnglibguestfs, the library for accessing and modifying 
virtual machine filesystems."

New Features:

    * squashfs and cramfs support
    * better support for read-only access to drives
    * many problems with string handling in different language bindings have 
been fixed
    * internationalization support
    * ext4 support improved on RHEL 5
    * improved support for running commands in the guest
    * support for skipping tests
    * lvresize and ext2/3 resize support
    * pvremove, vgremove, lvremove commands
    * sleep command
    * IRC channel #libguestfs on FreeNode

See previous release announcement for 1.0.15 in FWN#174 [2].

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-virt/2009-June/msg00020.html
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue174#New_Release_libguestfs_1.0.15

---- New virt-inspector Features ----

Richard Jones announced[1] "I've added a few extra features to 
virt-inspector[2] (in image:Echo-package-16px.pnglibguestfs[3] >= 1.0.42)."

"First up is a new 'query mode'" which prints "out some useful facts about the 
virtual machine such as whether it's fully virtualized or needs a Xen 
hypervisor, and whether it has various paravirt drivers installed."

"Secondly (not covered in the manpage), virt-inspector will try to discover 
whether a VM contains the right initrd drivers and module configuration to boot 
under various hypervisors. So for example it can tell you whether a guest has 
the virtio drivers available at boot time to boot from a virtio disk."

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-virt/2009-June/msg00049.html
   2.  http://et.redhat.com/~rjones/libguestfs/virt-inspector.1.html
   3.  http://et.redhat.com/~rjones/libguestfs/

---- Fedora Virtualization Status ----

Mark McLoughlin looked[1] on to Fedora 12 in his latest virtualization status 
report. "Okay, so F-11 is done and dusted. Onwards to F-12!" "Here's what the 
schedule looks like:"

    2009-07-28 Feature Freeze (53 days)
    2009-08-04 Beta Freeze (60 days)
    2009-09-22 Final Development Freeze (109 days)
    2009-10-20 Compose & Stage Release Candidate (137 days)

Highlights include:

    * A thorough run-down of virtualization related bugs.
    * "Daniel Berrange was interviewed[2] about virtualization in Fedora 11."
    * "Updates are being pushed regularily to the virt-preview repository"[3]
    * "Jeremy Fitzhardinge's latest submission of the Xen Dom0 patches for 
2.6.31 has caused the kernel community to get themselves into a bit of a flap. 
LWN has a nice article[4] on the 'discussion'"

Gerd Hoffmann followed[5] up with some details on the controversial bits. 
"lapic + ioapic. That is the big hot topic. Current code lacks sensible 
interfaces to the different apic types out there in the wild. The current dom0 
patches hook just into that mess instead of cleaning it up. Right now it looks 
like Jeremy has to sort that mess to get the xen bits in, using the 
to-be-created apic interfaces."

"No way the apic stuff will make it into the 2.6.31 merge window opening RSN, 
the work on that barely started. Thus we can expect functional dom0 support 
upstream in 2.6.32 earliest."

"Also noteworthy: There is a discussion on xen-devel regarding the future of 
the xen linux trees. Which one should be used & maintained and so on." "Looks 
like Keir seriously considers switching xen-unstable to the pv_ops kernel by 
default. YES! FINALLY! Well, it is probably to early to uncork the champagne, 
but I think we can at least put a bottle into the fridge ;)"

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-virt/2009-June/msg00030.html
   3.  http://markmc.fedorapeople.org/virt-preview/README
   4.  http://lwn.net/Articles/335812/
   5.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-virt/2009-June/msg00034.html

--- Libvirt List ---

This section contains the discussion happening on the libvir-list.

---- New Release libvirt 0.6.4 ----

Daniel Veillard announced[1] a new image:Echo-package-16px.pnglibvirt release, 
version 0.6.4.

"There is a number of new things in that release, but as happens in time-based 
releases some are not fully complete, for example the OpenNebula driver was 
added but it still need a bit of work on the detection code and a bit of 
cleanup to avoid a GPL/AFS licencing issue, so please don't enable it except 
for test builds. We also have a new set of Interface config APIs but they are 
not yet implemented by a driver and the XML import/export routines are not 
there yet. Still there is a lot of things to use and discover in this release 
as you can see below:"

New features:

    * new API virStorageVolCreateXMLFrom (Cole Robinson)
    * full VBox graphic capabilities (Pritesh Kothari)
    * Interface config APIs (Laine Stump)
    * APIs for domain XML conversions (Daniel Berrange)
    * initial version of OpenNebula driver (Abel Miguez Rodriguez)


    * cleanups and doc on virExec (Cole Robinson)
    * error reporting in QEmu migrations (Cole Robinson)
    * better path and driver detection in VBox (Pritesh Kothari)
    * avoid caching QEMU driver capabilities(Cole Robinson)
    * multiple graphics elements definitions (Pritesh Kothari)
    * LSB init header init.d improvements (Frederik Himpe)
    * special erro code for invalid operations (Daniel Berrange)
    * dlopen error logging (Daniel Berrange)
    * fix UUID and name uniqueness (Daniel Berrange)
    * improvement on VBox initialization (Pritesh Kothari and Dan Berrange)
    * "Host only" and "Internal" network in VBox (Pritesh Kothari)
    * add utility virExecDaemonize (Cole Robinson)
    * enable bridges without IP (Ludwig Nussel)
    * 'make -s' silencing (Daniel Berrange)
    * test case for exercising the event loop (Daniel Berrange)
    * virsh commands vol-clone and vol-create-from (Cole Robinson)
    * new xend don't use [] around cpumaps (Tatsuro Enokura)
    * add the CIL mutex lock checker (Daniel Berrange)
    * fix some LXC error code (Amy Griffis)
    * virInterface python bindings (Daniel Berrange)
    * fix to the example code for event handling (Pritesh Kothari)
    * always add location informations to logging (Daniel Berrange)
    * python domain events example and binding (Daniel Berrange)
    * PPC Qemu Machine Type update (Thomas Baker)

libvirt 0.6.3 was released[2] on April 24.

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2009-May/msg00621.html
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue173#New_Release_libvirt_0.6.3

--- end FWN 179 ---

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