O/H Patrick W. Barnes έγραψε:
> On Tuesday 21 November 2006 08:36, Máirín Duffy wrote:
>> For what it's worth, I think these proposed modifications look fabulous!
>> It's very clean and makes the level of hierarchy each piece of
>> information is in on the page much more clearer.

Since most of the comments were positive, I went on and produced a CSS that
overrides the default theme values.


To test it, go to `UserPreferences` and put the above in the "User CSS URL" box.

> My one suggestion would be to keep the original default font size.  I've not 
> heard any complaints about the font size in the past, and increasing it could 
> break some of the less-proper design elements used in the wiki and wouldn't 
> allow as much information to fit on any given screen.

The font size is very small and should be increased, this is the conscious I got
from some people. Even if it means we will have less content on a page.

The content on the page is already more than what it should be: the paragraphs
are very wide in high resolutions and the text is very small (there is a certain
ratio of letters per row that makes a paragraph more readable but even the newer
font size exceeds that).

Although we should really use something close to 1em and let the user choose the
zooming, the current proposal (0.85em) is relatively small to fit a lot of text
in the page. For reference, one could check out the mozilla, gnome and ubuntu 

>> One additional thing I would suggest - if you can do it and think it is
>> a good idea - is to add a spot in the right nav on the wiki for little
>> banners to advertise Fedora subprojects and events, etc. This is
>> something we had talked about on the marketing list I think a long time
>> ago - http://people.redhat.com/duffy/misc/fedoramentor-banner.png
>> (although might be better on the top).
> Design elements like that require alterations to the Python part of the 
> theme.  
> That's something that we're reluctant to play with too much.  If someone 
> really wanted to take the time to produce such elements that could then be 
> further edited without playing with the Python code, more power to them.
> Something else to be aware of is that we still plan on upgrading the wiki 
> soon, which would mean forward-porting theme changes.  It might be easier to 
> wait until after the upgrade to apply changes.

When is the update scheduled? If we do need to tweak the code to make the wiki
more usable, we should. Of course, we should do it in a way that we can apply it
for every update.

We might need some more changes, like putting a <div> around the table of
contents to manipulate it through CSS.


Dimitris Glezos

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)

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