Where do I post bootsplash images for the Fedora Borealis theme? http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fc7ThemeProposalFedoraBorealis says "Immutable".

Hmm... That page is still appropriate to upload design work to. I can edit it. Do you have an account on our wiki? It might be you don't have an account, or you need wiki write privileges. If you do have an account, let me know the username and I can add wiki editing privileges to it.

http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fc7ThemeProposalFedoraBorealis?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=fc7themeproposal-fedoraborealis-night2.png is awesome. It is bright in the middle of this dark-type image; that gives a warm feeling. Many people replace default background images with Digital Blasphemy backgrounds or gnome-look.org(,etc.) backgrounds. This background would not be replaced by a lot of people.

Sweet, thanks. Look forward to seeing your bootsplashes for it!


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