Max Spevack wrote:

But what I am interested in is making sure that all of the various Fedora sub-projects are able to make progress, work toward their goals, etc. And to do so in a way that is consistent with the community, meritocracy, etc. ideas of Fedora.

So I shall try to help in that regard.

And IMO, your help was very much needed here.

I think that is the only way to handle the theme selection that is in the spirit of how we try to do things in the Fedora Project. I think that Jonathan Blandford's team (whether that be Jonathan himself or one of the people who works for him) should be able to offer input and opinions, as should all of the other contributors and volunteers in the Fedora Art project.

We could use use this person (Jonathan or anyone else from his team)
being subscribed to this list, we often have technical questions like
for example about file formats, names or locations (see for some
examples and a
direct answer from someone on the list (not indirectly passing by the
project lead) would simplify the work and speed-up the development.

The leadership job, as with any, will not be an easy one.

You'll have to look at all of the different goals of Fedora Art project and see to it that progress is being made on all of them. If that involves immediately delegating that responsibility to someone else, that's fine. But the Fedora Board expects that the project will run itself in a way that is in line with the Fedora ideals -- open decision making, transparency, etc.

I see the activity of Fedora Art as something larger than this mailing
list, a portion of the wiki and irc channel. We, the members of the
project are working/meeting also on other locations, like deviantART,
Flickr, FedoraForum, Mugshot and whatever other places I miss on this
moment. We use them not only  to better communicate and share our work,
but also as a way to promote Fedora and to attract new contributors.
As I see it, the leadership of the project should have some insight on
those other activities of the project.

Who wants to do that job? As a community, who do you nominate for this position?

I nominate Máirín Duffy.
She in not only one of the founders and the most active contributors of this project, but is also an active and respected contributor to larger, upstream projects (like GNOME). She has the desired background (art studies and a job at Red Hat) and the needed short connections with both Red Hat engineers and GNOME developers.
And not last, IMO, she proved she can be a community leader.

I am on vacation myself right now, so I won't be on my email constantly. But I'll check this thread again in a day or two and see what sort of responses this email has generated.

I guess the majority of us will be on a short vacation these days, but
is very good that we started this talk.

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