Why bother? If we can't submit themes for Fedora, then why bother with this page?

Instead, this page needs some severe refactoring to be repurposed to address third party folks looking to roll their own Fedora distributions and rip out the Fedora mark. The language about upload your mockups to here to be considered needs to be ripped out so people aren't misled (again).

Also, that Tango artwork really needs to be attributed.


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- ## page was renamed from Artwork/ThemingOverviewInProgress
- [:Artwork: Artwork] > [:Artwork/ThemingOverview: ThemingOverview]
- [[TableOfContents]]
  = Fedora Release Graphics =
  There are many components in Fedora, whose visual elements can be 
changed...thus is the power of Open Source software.  With this, an entire 
distribution can be unified by creating a common theme across the various 
customizable screens.  The following is a list of components
  (in general order) that goes into re-theming a distribution.  Also included 
are screenshots of Fedora Core 5 and 6 to illustrate the possible changes as 
well as to show Fedora Core's visual progression.
- [[BR]][[BR]]
+ [[TableOfContents]]
  If you've got great design ideas but are not technically-inclined, or would 
like to learn how to code your own themes but need help...upload your mockups 
to [:Artwork/ThemeConcepts: ThemeConcepts] and post a link to 
[http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-art-list fedora-art-list], to 
get started.
- [[BR]][[BR]]
  These are the notes and specifications I've accumulated from having completed 
4-5 release designs.  I realize that some of the info posted here might not 
agree with some specs but this is what I've found to work.  If you find serious 
discrepancies or have questions, contact me or post to 
[http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-art-list fedora-art-list]. 
  == Anaconda Prompt Screen ==

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