Ben Arnold napsal(a):
> How about the orange that is used in the recent document-properties
> lot? I would have thought that contrasted nicelyh with the blue in the
> monitor and gives a more universal  association with that colour.
> I imagine, on the smaller versions, the screwdriver head might need to
> be a little darker or thicker for clarity but the rest of it looks
> good.
Hmm, not a bad idea. I made new version (16x16 size included). Please, check it 

> I would produce a mockup but there is no SVG with this thread :)
> ./b
Well, I think there is some limit in this list for size of attachments and svgs
are too big. If there is need I can e-mail it to you directly or post it on my
wiki page.

Also, what about the preferences-system-1 (the wrench with a screwdriver). Is it
suitable for gnome-settings? Is it ok?


[1] preferences-system-2c16.png
[2] preferences-system-2c24.png
[3] preferences-system-2cL.png

PNG image

PNG image

PNG image

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