
I'm coming with GDM-styling idea. SUSE said some words about it [1]

I think we should provide two GDM themes:

* userlist only (default)
* entry (available as option)

Also, I think we should change our GDM style to have more transparency
(less opacity :> ).

Something looking like one of their (SUSE's) mockups [1] or SLiM'
default theme [2] would be very nice :) .

Say what you think. Bye.

 1| http://en.opensuse.org/Branding_Overview:os10.3:GDM
 2| http://slim.berlios.de/images/slim01.jpg

                              __        _                ___ 
Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek        / _|___ __| |___ _ _ __ _  ( _ )
Fedora Project              |  _/ -_) _` / _ \ '_/ _` | / _ \
http://liviopl.jogger.pl/   |_| \___\__,_\___/_| \__,_| \___/

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