I'm checking ff3 sometimes, and I've sent some bugs [1].

 1| http://urlx.org/mozilla.org/0b28b

Dnia 20-12-2007, czw o godzinie 14:12 +0100, Andreas Nilsson pisze:
> Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:
> > Beta 2 version of Firefox 3 now support native icons from GTK. I took 
> > opportunity to test Echo
> > icons theme. I can easily tell both left, right arrow and refresh need some 
> > work. At
> > least, it is a good news Firefox 3 will be native for Linux distributions.
> >
> >
> > Luya
> >   
> A lot of the great work is done by Michael Montreal who's been 
> tirelessly been sending patches. Buy him a beer next time you meet him 
> at a conference. :)
> Check out the nighly builds [1] and feel free to report all issues you 
> run into, we're hoping to get a whole bunch of stuff in now that beta2 
> is over.
> 1. http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk/
> - Andreas
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Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek        / _|___ __| |___ _ _ __ _  ( _ )
Fedora Project              |  _/ -_) _` / _ \ '_/ _` | / _ \
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