On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 17:49 +0100, Valent Turkovic wrote:
> Steven Garrity wrote:
> Please look these two screenshots:
> http://bayimg.com/MAIAIaaBL
> http://bayimg.com/MAiagaABL
> One is FC6 and other is F8.
> Can you make the difference. The differences are subtle, too subtle and 
> too bland IMHO. I would love to see Fedora 9 get the gtk theme it deserves.
> So slowing down design really sound bad to me.
> Valent.
I saw these two quite long quite a long ago and you were told, that the
difference is obvious, though subtle. 

As for the Fedora 9 gtk theme. So far this [1] seems what will be in
Fedora 9, although there is still room for improvement. But why don't
you come up with something awesome yourself? We are all doing our best
while you seem to just rant about how things would be better.


[1] https://fedorahosted.org/nodoka/wiki/Screenshots

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