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2008/4/4 Dave Slaughter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
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> Subject: Re: Introduction
> From: Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 2008/4/3, dave slaughter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  First off I would like to thank Nicu Buculei for e-mailing me and
> inviting me to join after I submitted my app, so thank you Nicu.
>  Now, I would like to introduce myself to the rest of the members, my
> name is Dave, and I am from just outside Boston Mass. in the United States.
> I have been using Linux for about 4-5 years now, and have been doing
> computer graphic design for as long as I have been using computers, so since
> the original apple II. I just enjoy doing artwork, be it wallpapers, web
> banners, GDM's (just started on making those), or anything else. I just
> started using Fedora again, after not using a Red Hat based system since Red
> Hat 6, been using mostly Debian base OS's, but I am very pleased with F8,
> very nice, clean distro.
>  I would like to start work with the art team and try to get involved
> in making artwork for Fedora, be it (as I stated above) wallpapers, GDMs, or
> anything else that may be of use to the team, and would also like to be a
> part of something that I believe is of great value, and try to give back to
> the Fedora community in some way, as my programing skills leave something to
> be desired.
>  I will stop here and keep this short as not to take of too much of all
> of time.
> So hello everybody, and I look forward to working with you all of on
> whatever projects may be ahead.
> Sincerely,
> Dave S.
> Hi Dave,
> Welcome to the fedora art list!
> It's great that you are willing to spend your time on improving the
> look of fedora.
> Could you perhaps post some links to things you've made before?
> and i'm really looking forward to the things you are making now for fedora.
> Thanx so far,
> Mark
>  I haven't made too much that I have put out for others, I have made some
> stuff and put it on, most of it for a distro called
> LinuxMint, as that is the distro I have been using for the last year or so,
> you can see it here
>  Some of it I made when I first started making things for Linux, some things
> I thought just looked kind of cool, but I have never seriously worked on art
> for a product, so things I make for Fedora will be much cleaner and more
> polished.
>      I'll try and get some stuff I made for myself posted somewhere so you
> can see what I can actually do, as the stuff on Gnome-Look is sometimes
> cartoonish.
>      As for GTK themes, as I've said before, my coding skills are not so
> great, so I have not made any GTK themes as of yet, still looking for a good
> tutorial for learning that, but wallpapers, GDM's, web banners, and that
> sort of thing, I can do pretty well, (I think).
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