Hi Art Team,

I posted the below to the art list late last week, it doesn't look
like I had any takers.  The Fedora Ambassador Steering Committee is
planning on making the Release Party push to the Ambassadors at the
beginning of the upcoming week.  I would like to be able to provide a
generic flyer to ambassadors that they can use with minimal changes to
print up for their local release party.

I have absolutely zero artistic ability and could use some help with
this flyer. I am picturing a one-sheet flyer themed with F9 graphic(s)
and a text box somewhere on the page where the ambassador can fill in
their release party date, time, location and any special events they
might be doing at the party.  It would be good if the flyers could be
printed in color or black and white and still look presentable.

If I can provide you with more information, please don't hesitate to
let me know.  If someone could help me out with this, I would greatly
appreciate it - as would the other FAmSCo members.

a.k.a. iWolf

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeffrey Tadlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:38 PM
Subject: Release Party Flyers
To: "Discussions about the artwork included with Fedora, including
icons, themes, and wallpapers." <fedora-art-list@redhat.com>

Hello Art Team,

 FAmSCo is trying to get Ambassadors to host release parties during the
 first week or so of the Fedora 9 release in their area.  Francesco
 announced the idea to the Ambassadors list here:


 As part of this, I would like to make it even easier for Ambassadors
 by having some flyers they can download off the wiki to hang up in
 their area announcing their local release party (and, uh, who am I
 kidding - I need some flyers for the release party we are planning
 here in Central Ohio...).

 I am thinking just a one sheet flyer that we can print up and hang on
 University bulletin boards, coffee shop hangouts, computer stores,
 etc.  Now, the dates will most likely vary between area for their
 release party date - so in order to be most useful it would be handy
 for the average non-art person to be able to modify the date, time,
 location and a little area for any special notes.

 Is this something someone could help me out on?


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