On Mon, 2008-06-16 at 16:04 +0200, Samuele Storari wrote:
> Hi guys!
> After a lot of work I've retailed some time to design my proposal for the F10 
> theme, it named "invinXble", I think about the will of Fedora to don't quit, 
> get better everytime, and at the difficulties that F had to fought on the 
> "road to success" to become Invincible... or better invinXble.
> The version 10 for me will be a great goal for this distribution and my 
> purpose it's to use it in the concept.
> U can find some layout at:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/F10Themes/InvinXble
> Let me know what do u think about that.
> Ciao
> Samuele

Now that I like
Based on a katana?


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