On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 20:12 +0530, Vara Prasad Pepakayala wrote:
> Thanks for the support Nicu. Appending one more thing... I am a bit
> less informative regarding the linux packaging and cursor extensions..
> can i post them in .ico or .png  formats and for animated one in .gif
> formats?

I've done some research on cursor themes in the past, but the idea of
adding cursor theme to Echo was rather abandoned. Still, some of the
information I gathered [1], even though the wiki page is a little bit
outdated and need some fixes, might be helpful for you.

In that time I used to generate the final cursor file using xcursorgen
(IIRC it's in Fedora repos) from LD_arrow48a.png using arrow.config (to
generate arrow cursor) file with this content:

40 0 0 LD_arrow48a.png

If you feel like you might add/update some information on the wiki page,
feel free to do so, we might reconsider creating the echo-cursor-theme
in the future (currently we put our efforts into the echo-icon-theme).

If you wish for more info, just send another mail to the art list. I'll
try to help you as much as I can.


[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/EchoCursors

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