How about uploading scaled down images to the wiki to show there, and
uploading the full sized images to fedorapeople and providing a direct
link to those on the wiki page with the gallery? May be a bit of extra
work, but it'd save strain on the wiki.
Martin Sourada wrote:
On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 13:11 +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:
For images stored in the wiki the thumbnails are created on the server.
Then I think uploading it to wiki directly is better way.
I was thinking about file sizes... the JPEGs straight from my camera are
about 4.5-5MB, resized at 1920x1200, they will get under 1.5MB, but this
is still quite large (and the file size will be a problem for the
package too).
That's a drawback of providing quality images we need to pay if we
decide to provide them. There are already packages in repos that have
size around 200MB and the extras backgrounds would fall into that kind
of packages too. Therefore I was thinking about splitting the package
into sub-packages as per the (sub-)categories listed on the wiki + plus
providing meta-packages to e.g. install all sub-categories of the
specified category, or everything. That would be nicer to our users.
Maybe even make separate packages for wide-screen wallpapers as people
with 16:10 displays usually do not need 4:3 wallpapers and vice-versa.
Another itchy thing is update of such packages. In environments with
yum-presto the issue would not be big, but for standard fedora
environment as it is now it means a lot of d/l with every update. That
would mean we'd need to keep the updates low and/or rather than making
sub-packages for categories, make the fully separate packages (but keep
the sub-categories-subpackages).
Btw. it is good thing to have upstream in more convenient place than
wiki/rpm, therefore making a project for that might be
a good idea. What do you think?
Any ideas/comments on that matter?
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