On Sat, 2008-08-16 at 22:30 -0700, Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:
> Here are the modifications to close match Nicu's version. Note that
> 256x256
> version is not included.
> Luya
Looking good. Perhaps the 22x22/24x24 might need more contrast between
border and fills to better distinguish the two figures. One another
thing that needs improvement is the shadow. In 22x22/24x24 one it's for
some reason misrendered, but I'd change it for other sizes as well -
having one blurry semi-transparent ellipse per each (not one for both
them) seems better to me. Perhaps you could also make use of radial
gradient to make the shadow even better. Or maybe you could try similar
kind of shadow that is used in the trash icon - i.e. slightly drop the
shadow behind the figures (as is usual with most 'isometric' icons).


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