Samuele Storari wrote:
I'm a little hurry right now, but just a quite response about the brushes:

Here u find the brushes I've used, Totally free and open.

Actually I think there are a few pieces of the terms of use that may be problematic because it's not a standard license like CC-SA and while it says okay for commercial use, there's a lot of restrictions on commercial use it seems.

So this sounds like a non-commercial license... honestly though I don't know much about this stuff. We could have someone more knowledgeable (like spot) review the usage agreement to make sure it's okay, or I could easily make a set of moon brushes to use instead. A lot of images of the moon have been made public domain by NASA, so it shouldn't be hard to find high-resolution moon images to do this with and we could even package up the brush files and ship them in Fedora as well.


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