On Wed, 2008-09-24 at 11:29 -0700, Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:
> Added a second gear.
That works better.

> I forgot to shrink outline to 2px which has been addressed.
> Done for 16x16. Need to see how it looks on other screen.
Might need some more touches, the other sizes are looking crisp, but the
16x16 is a little bit hard to recognise.

> Luya
Further comments to this version:
The gradients are a bit strange, I think both gears should use same
gradients, rather metallic than grey. Also the side face should have
different gradient - one the top of the gear it should be similarly
bright as the front face I think to better follow the lighting

The connection of the two grears is a little off, it's noticeable only
on the 256x256 and slightly on 48x48 version. The shadow below the
second gear should be more transparent, since the gear is higher. You
might want to make the top-right gear smaller than the bottom left one,
I think it would look better.


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