Hi Mairin 

I'm replaicing right now all the materials,
I changed some little things on the Solar Login and on the User Icon was 
changed too.
Side Bar and the Welcome splash was changed too, just a little.
All the Dual Format wallpaper still waitin to be finished, and right now I'm 
doin' something for the Splash. This time the progress splash will have some 
modify just cause when I was re-doing the sun last week I don't draw all the 
side of the Sun so it can be not rendered a little transparent as the past 
If you have some other correction I'm here.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Máirín Duffy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Fedora Art List" <fedora-art-list@redhat.com>
Sent: Monday, 29 September, 2008 4:47:25 PM GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Bern / Rome / Stockholm / Vienna
Subject: Re: Solar final fixing

Hi Samuele,

Samuele Storari wrote:
> Hi Màirìn
> About the sources (XCF) they was already online on the Solar page i've 
> uploaded it yesterday, I forgot to say it, sorry :D
> And about the Image i used in the background of my tutorial it was a part of 
> solar created followin' the instruction I shown you in this other Tutorial:
> http://people.byte-code.com/sstorari/?p=21
> I wanted to recreate a new effect so we can certificate the image now is 
> totally cc, made by zero.
> The problem with the past effect is that unfortunately I can't certificate 
> the originality so for don't fall again I do it by new.
> The past effect after the start tutorial here above where masked, scaled, 
> rotated and merged in gimp, as the same for the vector.
> Why I use Inkscape in the yesterday tutorial? 'Cause it's nice to change :D, 
> and 'cause make it again usin' the brushes will take so much time more.
> Than I hope here we are, sorry for the misunderstandings we have had.
> I hope to see your works soon.

The XCF and half of the wallpapers look okay, but it looks like the 
other artworks need to be replaced. I think probably you might have been 
waiting for my okay to do that, so consider this an okay for the 
following source:


Artwork that needs to be replaced:

- The row of 2560x960 wallpapers are still using the old artwork
- The row of 2048x1536 wallpapers are still using the old artwork
- The syslinux splashes are still using the old artwork
- What are labeled as grub splashes (they are actually syslinux 
splashes, grub is missing) are using the old artwork (I checked in the XCF)
- The anaconda header and splash are using the old artwork
- the release poster is using the old artwork and also appears to be 
using an unidentified brush


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Samuele Storari
Art Director
Byte-Code srl
mobile: +39 347 50 798 32
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