DarkPark wrote:
> Hello Nicu.

Hi Stanislav,

> I'm a newbie here so don't actually know to whom I should write it,
> moreover should I even mention this :)

The mailing list where the message you are replying was posted to is a
good place. We work in the open. And your bug report should in the end get
to the banner's author, Paolo, who *is* subscribed to the list.

> I just would like to notice that the number 20 in this
> fedora10-countdown-banner.svg banner isn't aligned with "arriving in ...
> days".

I am sorry, I can't test it for the moment in Inkscape and with
MgOpen-Modata, I am stuck with Firefox and wrong fonts, where it does look
broken, are sure you are using the right fonts?

> There is also not enough space for "coming soon" text.

The problem is because in other languages this string is wider?

> Regards,
> Stanislav
>> Paolo Leoni wrote:
>>> With the great help of Mo, I've made another version of Fedora
>>> countdown
>>> banner with horizontal layout.
>>> This is the link to the source:
>>> http://pleoni.altervista.org/fedora10-countdown-banner.svg
>> Paolo, can you upload the final design (along with the source) to the
>> wiki? https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/PromoBanners

nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com
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