On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 09:54 -0500, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Hi Samuele,
> Samuele Storari wrote:
> > Hi all
> > 
> > I work on the Acient Greek theme for this Fedora's release I think is the 
> > best one.
> > Mo I'd like your idea to create a collage from different landscape or other 
> > image.
> > For this theme I try to work on the Spartan "Leonidas" idea, I work on the 
> > Acient Helm so we don't have discussion on violence or other not connected 
> > idea.
> > I started looking some inspiration photos on flickr 
> > 
> > http://www.flickr.com/photos/ghost_of_kuji/2763629314/
> > 
> > http://www.flickr.com/photos/protectorrr/2714125326/
> > 
> > then I draw my own.
> > Let me suggest to you guys my idea and let me know your guess and your 
> > suggestions.
> > Maybe someone could help me to find some more dettailed photos of the helm?
> For F11 we're trying to work together on the same concept,
> we aren't doing competing ideas anymore.
> Our deadline for a decision on the visual concept
> (basically, how will we visually depict 'Leonidas') is
> February 1. Do you think there is a way we can integrate the
> idea of your helmet with a landscape of Greek architecture
> for the wallpaper, and maybe we could integrate the helmet
> in other artwork too? Do you have any ideas on what a
> landscape with the helmet integrated into it might look like?
> I do think based on the wallpaper poll results that we
> should try for a landscape for the wallpaper, but that
> doesn't mean we can't have a helmet placed in it or somehow
> work the idea of a helmet in it? I like the idea of having a
> helmet somewhere because Leonidas was from Sparta and Sparta
> was very militaristic, but at the same time a helmet is for
> protection so it's not too violent a symbol as you said.
> What do you think? Do you have ideas on how we can work
> together?
> ~m
I think adding a helmet would be great. I have an idea of small bronze
Greek helmet laying on the ground - either on the bottom left on grass
(here I'd use some older helmet, let it blend with nature), while the
bigger temple being on the bottom right, or having the helmet laying on
one of the stairs leading to temple (if we make a temple with stairs;
here I'd use rather shiny new helmet).

Either way, my idea is focusing rather on the spiritual part of the
image, I'd draw it how it could look if the temple was new and still
used by old Greeks, perhaps around the columns could be some grapes or
some other plant growing, I can also imagine hot springs (with vapour
flowing up from the springs, creating a mist) and maybe forest or small
bushes nearby, possibly with Mt. Olympus being seen in a distance.
Though I am not sure if we'd be able to do such complex art from scratch
with inkscape; or if we'd be doing photo-realistic one, if we could get
hands on fitting and properly licensed photos... Maybe if I have enough
time I'll try to sketch the idea in inkscape, but do not expect
something that will look good >_<


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