On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 19:21 -0700, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Based on some feedback we've gotten about the beta wallpaper, I have a couple 
> of approaches to suggest for moving forward, let me know which you think is 
> the better approach:
> 1) Islands - I saw the movie Mama Mia this weekend for the first time, and 
> it's a movie based on a pretty Greek island. We did a survey a while back 
> that indicated most people would prefer a landscape-based wallpaper, but 
> maybe instead of going with mountains+temple wallpaper we could try a 
> landscape based on the islands of Greece, e.g. maybe somewhat like this 
> (higher res, and a bit cleaned up, no boat in the water and the land area 
> here is a bit too busy, maybe replace it or clean it up):
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/johnkarakatsanis/3334225599/sizes/l/
> (Santorini Island Greece, by John.Karakatsanis CC-BY-SA)
> 2) Mount Olympus - or instead we could take the temple out of the current 
> wallpaper and focus a bit more wholly on the mountains as the symbol of 
> Greece rather than the temple. We might need to swap Bob's photo out for an 
> actual photo of Mount Olympus in this case though.
> Let me know if you have any thoughts, or even better mockups / 
> adequately-licensed reference or source photos .
> Thanks
> ~m
Hm... I'd say get rid of the trees or make them just complimentary part
of the wallpaper, drop the focus away from mountains and instead have it
on the temple. As it is now, it's cool and I would not want much of the
elements to go away, but as Matthias said, the wallpaper is focusing on
too many elements at once.


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