Simply WOW!
I also like the idea of a lion or something that has more to do with the word 
"Leonidas" than with ancient greek culture.
Nice work!
I'd only change the colors of the lion towards...more blue for fedora? i don't 
really know, but at this point it looks a little bit too dirty i think. Not 
like a desktop background that is more static and calm...
And also the birds shouldn't be there for my taste - or at least have another 
What about making the Lions hair less detailed, change his color a little bit, 
erase those birds...and for the background maybe we'll find some more greek 
On the other hand those lines make it more like Leonidas in the 21st ceentury - 
adding a more modern touch to it (don't forgert: these are nerdy times with a 
lot of technology.)

Justus <>

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