>>>>> "JK" == Jesse Keating <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JK> More to the point, there are two distinct tasks here, one is
JK> building the package, the other is testing.

Well, what I'm getting out of this is that you're telling me to ignore
what is pretty much a perfect time-saver in the form of existing code
and an existing populated chroot, and instead bring things up from
scratch because there's a philosophical issue with using any of the
"build" infrastructure for anything relating to testing.  I guess I
should never have mentioned rpmlint and just asked for a way to
install a package and run a command inside the chroot via the mock

>From my point it's all testing, because I'm testing the package
submission by seeing if it builds.  So perhaps that's why I'm just not
seeing it the same as you.  But OK, I'll just either rip out the bits
of mock I think I can use, or just give up and write my own stuff that
uses the chroot that mock leaves me.  But it sure would have been nice
to get a quick hint and perhaps a little help from someone who knows
the insides of mock.

 - J<

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