On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 13:09 -0400, Joe Todaro wrote:
> Dan Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/19/2006 10:07:54 AM:
> > On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 18:49 -0400, Joe Todaro wrote:
> > > DW> and on the server, which has _no_ architecture at all, you'd
> have
> > > DW> in /etc/plague/server/targets:
> > > DW> 
> > > DW> fedora-devel-core.cfg
> > > DW> fedora-5-core.cfg
> > > DW> fedora-4-core.cfg
> > > DW> fedora-devel-extras.cfg
> > > DW> fedora-5-extras.cfg
> > > DW> fedora-4-extras.cfg
> > > DW> 
> > > DW> and on the server, if you care about depsolving (ie if you
> have
> > > the
> > > DW> "depsolve_jobs = yes" set
> in /etc/plague/server/plague-server.cfg)
> > > then
> > > DW> you actually do need mock target configs for everything too, 
> > > DW> because the server will use those to depsolve. 
> > > 
> > > Absolutely, we do care about depsolving.. 
> > > 
> > > So, when you say "everything", does that also include (for
> example)  
> > > 'i686' now, too, regardless of the fact that i686 is still only a
> > > sub-architecture?  
> > 
> > No; you only need mock and builder configs for base architectures
> like
> > i386, x86-64, ppc, sparc, sparc64, ppc64, etc.
> > 
> > > DW> Do you really _want_ this to
> > > DW> build as an i686 package?   
> > > 
> > > No, of course not - this is a noarch only package, and always 
> > > has been.  
> > > 
> > > DW> If so, I think the "BuildArch: noarch" is
> > > DW> wrong then.  Typically, if you want a package to build noarch,
> you
> > > DW> specify "BuildArch: noarch" and it will then only build on
> > > noarch.  What
> > > DW> arch is this package supposed to be for, exactly? 
> > > 
> > > 'noarch' as is specified in the specfile.  
> > 
> > Ok, can you apply the attached patch?  cd
> to /usr/share/plague/server
> > and use 'patch -p0 < patchfile'.  Enqueue the WhoAmI SRPM and let me
> > know what it prints out.   
> Yes, I have applied the patch and re-enqueued the WhoAmI SRPM. 
> Below are the results.   Hope you find something - good luck..   
> And, thanks a lot for all the help you've been providing me, 
> which is very much appreciated.    
> ===================================== 
> below from /var/log/plague-server.log 
> ===================================== 
> Request to enqueue 'WhoAmI' tag
> '/afs/pok/projects/.../SRPMS/whoami/WhoAmI-4.00-9_rhel4.src.rpm' for
> target 'ao100' (user '[EMAIL PROTECTED]') 
> 630 (WhoAmI): Starting tag
> '/afs/pok/projects/.../SRPMS/whoami/WhoAmI-4.00-9_rhel4.src.rpm' on
> target 'lnxaddons-100-install' 
> 630 (WhoAmI): AH: ba ['noarch'], exclusive [], exclude [] 
> 630 (WhoAmI): AH: addl_arches [] 
> 630 (WhoAmI): AH: base_arches ['i386', 'i686'] 
> 630 (WhoAmI): archjobs: {'noarch': None}, pkg_arches: None, allowed:
> None 

Ok; this tells me that the PackageJob class' arch_handling() function is
working as expected.  It also tells me that the depsolve stuff is
picking the wrong arches to depsolve.  So we're closer in some senses to
fixing the issue, but farther away in others :)


> 630 (WhoAmI): Requesting depsolve... 
> 630 (WhoAmI): Starting depsolve for arches: ['i386', 'i686']. 
> 630 (WhoAmI/i686): Depsolve Error: WARNING: bad yum config for arch
> i686. 
> Exception in thread PackageJob: 630/WhoAmI: 
> Traceback (most recent call last): 
>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/threading.py", line 436, in __bootstrap 
>     self.run() 
>   File "/usr/share/plague/server/PackageJob.py", line 86, in run 
>     self._pkg_job.process() 
>   File "/usr/share/plague/server/PackageJob.py", line 725, in process 
>     if func(): 
>   File "/usr/share/plague/server/PackageJob.py", line 593, in
> _stage_depsolve 
>     if self._arch_deps_solved(arch) == False: 
>   File "/usr/share/plague/server/PackageJob.py", line 546, in
> _arch_deps_solved 
>     if base: 
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'base' referenced before assignment 
> Re-activating builder 'https://lnxbuild1.abc.com:8888'. 
> ===================================== 
> above from /var/log/plague-server.log 
> ===================================== 
> > I tried running a noarch package through this
> > morning and it seemed to go through fine; plague decided that
> 'noarch'
> > was the only arch it was going to build for, even with i686 in the
> > optional_arches for that target.
> > 
> > > JT> > ====================================== 
> > > JT> > Excerpt from lnxaddons-100-install.cfg 
> > > JT> > ====================================== 
> > > JT> > 
> > > JT> > -----------<snip>------------   
> > > JT> > [Arches] 
> > > JT> > base_arches=i386 
> > > JT> > optional_arches=i686 noarch  
> > > JT> >
> > > 
> > > GW> Ok; I think this is the cause of the noarch problem.  Since
> > > 'noarch' is
> > > GW> a base architecture in itself, you don't need it in
> > > optional_arches.  If
> > > GW> you remove it, I think things will work as you expect.   
> > > 
> > > Nope - no such luck; I have removed 'noarch' from
> 'optional_arches',  
> > > re-tested, and am still seeing that same error..  
> > 
> > noarch shouldn't be in optional_arches, but if it's not working
> > correctly when you remove it there's some other issue.
> > 
> > Dan
> > 
> > [attachment "print-archhandling.patch" deleted by Joe 
> > Todaro/Poughkeepsie/IBM] 

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