Mike McLean píše v St 05. 11. 2008 v 13:47 -0500:
> Mike Bonnet wrote:
> > On Wed, 2008-11-05 at 10:55 +0100, Dan Horák wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> is it possible to somehow cache the packages that are going from koji
> >> hub to the builder to create a build root? There is no NFS connection
> >> between the builder and hub in s390's koji and so each build requires to
> >> download 100 MB via XMLRPC(?) and this is slow. Will squid help here?
> > 
> > Koji builders have never downloaded packages via XMLRPC.  All
> > downloading is done by mock/yum, via http (previously nfs).
> This behavior is controlled by kojid options. If you specify the 
> 'topurl' option for kojid, then the mock configs it generates will use 
> an http:// url to point to the repo. Otherwise it will use a file:// url 
>   (using the value of the 'topdir' option, which defaults to /mnt/koji).
> Also, the use of a file:// url doesn't have to mean nfs. You could 
> theoretically use another shared file system.
> > You could potentially use squid locally to cache downloaded packages.
> > You'd configure pkgurl in koji.conf to point to your local squid
> > instance at "http://localhost:8080/koji/packages"; or something similar,
> > and configure squid to pull from the actual http location
> > where /mnt/koji/packages is being served.
> This is the approach I would recommend.

Thanks for all your opinions. I will use the url_rewrite* feature of


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