>>>>> "MM" == Mike McLean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

MM> It does. mock calls os.umask(002) at startup (and has for a
MM> while). The mock on the Fedora build hosts has this line. I'm not
MM> sure why you're seeing a difference. Can you point to a specific
MM> Fedora build whose results differ from what you get locally?

Here's a package from a recent review:

When build locally, the included file /usr/bin/cave9 has mode 0775.
When built in koji
(http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=924911) the file
has mode 0755.

My local machine has mock-0.9.9-1.fc9.noarch.  I am using the caching
stuff, and my configuration files have been modified to point to local
package mirrors and to set basedir to /mock which is a 10G tmpfs with
the same permissions as /var/lib/mock.  Those permissions happen to be
2775; that's probably coincidental but I guess you never know.

 - J<

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