On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, seth vidal wrote:

On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 16:43 -0500, seth vidal wrote:
On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 14:35 -0700, William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722
7209 wrote:

      I back leveled sqlite on the build machine which didn't help.  I know
that's not conclusive since some packages such as Anaconda are downloaded
from the repo and never cached.  So, before putting the old sqlite into
the repo, I checked to see the when I was last successful VS when I
installed sqlite.  It turns out that both yum and sqlite were installed on
2/5, and my last successful spin was on 2/8.  I don't see any packages
installed since them that are obviously connected to this problem.

I'm not sure if this is sqlite anymore - I've been mucking with it
today. Oddly on rawhide here I can't make it happen.

ah ha! My sample size was too small. I found out  what was causing the

somehow we had two packages VLGothic-fonts and vlgothic-fonts - repoview
case normalizes for the .html files it makes - hence this problem.
Fedora was not supposed to have those two pkgs - it was an oversight and
that has been fixed. I'll also change repoview to not case normalize the

     Hi again,

I haven't seen new fonts or a new version of repoview. Openoffice-langpack-jp requires either the old or new fonts, so I don't see how I could exclude them. How should I proceed?


          Bill in Denver

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