李建 wrote:
I've solv this probole. the /usr/sbin/kojid have following code:
2584                 #cmd.append('--update')
2585                 #if options.createrepo_skip_stat:
2586                 #    cmd.append('--skip-stat')

I commented it , so the createrepo run as follow (see createrepo.log):

It seems a little silly to comment out code that can be disabled with a configuration option (createrepo_skip_stat). Of course, there is no option to disable the --update.

When I need to force the system to regenerate repos from scratch I just expire them in the db. This works because kojid will only recycle repodata from a repo in the READY state. Anyway, to expire all current repos, I'd use this sql command:
- update repo set state = 2 where state in (0, 1);
You'll also need to cancel any newRepo tasks that were running beforehand.

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