I'm currently trying to create a custom distro with pungi. More
precisely, I've been using rpm -qa --qf="%{n}\n" to create a list of
packages currently installed on my system, added the needed repos
(rpmfusion-free, rpmfusion-free-updates and adobe-linux-i386) and built
a kickstart file out of this. Now I have some questions, and it's pretty
hard to find any documentation about that, so I thought I'd just ask on
this list.

1.)How can I specify which packages should be installed by default?
The packages in my kickstart file get added, but don't get installed by
default. I figured out that it had something to do with some xml files,
but what exactly do I have to do to, for example, install all packages
from the kickstart file by default? I'm not so comfortable with anaconda
and repo files, so please mention file locations if I have to edit some

2.)How can I replace fedora-logos, fedora-release and
fedora-release-notes with generic-logos, generic-release and
generic-release-notes? I tried to exclude them from repos in the
kickstart file and excluding them from the package manifest, however it
didn't work.

Thanks in advance,

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