> I to have wanted to get this to work.
> I expect I have my key definition wrong, traceback below.
> I have,
>         self.gpg_keys = {
>             '89D891FB': { 'name': 'oatrelease',
>                           'description': 'EGEE SA1 (Operations
> Automation Team) <egee3-operations-automation-disc...@cern.ch>',
>                           }                        }
> with
> $ gpg --list-keys
> /home/sign/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
> -----------------------------
> pub   1024D/47EBAC2B 2009-11-11 [expires: 2019-11-09]
> uid                  EGEE SA1 (Operations Automation Team)
> <egee3-operations-automation-disc...@cern.ch>
> sub   2048g/89D891FB 2009-11-11 [expires: 2019-11-09]

Steve, you are using the subkey. You probably want to use the master
signing key i.e. the one listed under "pub" ("47EBAC2B" in your case)


> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./sign_unsigned.py", line 734, in <module>
>     x.run_command()
>   File "./sign_unsigned.py", line 285, in run_command
>     cmd()
>   File "./sign_unsigned.py", line 728, in cmd_default
>     self.sign_to_cache(uncached, self.options.level)
>   File "./sign_unsigned.py", line 638, in sign_to_cache
>     self.do_signing(pkglist, level)
>   File "./sign_unsigned.py", line 601, in do_signing
>     cmd = self.get_signing_command(level, mypaths[:nlen],
> server=self.options.server)
>   File "./sign_unsigned.py", line 587, in get_signing_command
>     if self.gpg_keys[keyid]['size'] == 4096:
> KeyError: None
> > Dennis
> >
> > --
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