On 11/18/2009 02:15 AM, peng chen wrote:
> hello, fedora-buildsys-list:
>        when I requset a build task for pakcage "anaconda" to koji,
> one errie error come out.
> It detailed as follow:
>     pg.DatabaseError: error ' ERROR: new row for relation "task" violates
> check constraint "task_weight_check" '
> in ' UPDATE task SET weight=-0.9838856091396 WHERE id = 16296 '
>     I'm sure that the source rpm of anaconda is OK,because I succed to build
> it in local mock environment. and
> the repo is the same as the koji build server.
>     hope you do me a favor sincerely!

Does one of the builds have a completion_time earlier than its
create_event time?  Koji uses the build duration to dynamically
calculate the weight of the task.  It should probably be checking for a
negative result, but it doesn't.

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