On Mon, 2006-03-06 at 23:28 +0100, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:

> BTW bind.
> Anyone work on fix Fedora bind for make this package FHS compliant ?
> Current base directory for bind files is /var/named and acording to FHS
> specification it will be better use /var/lib/named.

That'd would be nice.

I write multi-distro "Linux" documentation I'm painfully aware of
unneeded and trivial differences between distributions.

The "other" big distro does stick bind in /var/lib/named.

I'm not faulting Red Hat for /var/named/ though, as it does have 10+
years of momentum behind it and when it was chosen most likely there was
no standard location defined.

Dax Kelson
Guru Labs

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