On Thu, Mar 09, 2006 at 09:28:16AM +0000, Brian wrote:
 > >  > I've been struggling trying to get my USB bluetooth dongle to work on
 > >  > my i586 based MiniITX since I started trying FC5 (Test 3).
 > >  >
 > >  > The same BT dongle worked fine under the old FC4 installation.
 > >  >
 > >  > >From what I can see, in the installed i586 kernel (2.6.15-1.2025_FC5)
 > >  > the drivers and net modules are all missing. To prove this I just
 > >  > installed the i686 kernel on another machine and bluetooth worked fine
 > >  > and the relevant directories with modules were present:
 > >
 > > over-aggressive slimming down of the 586 kernel.
 > > I had fixing that on my TODO, but it got bubbled down by
 > > other things in the last few days.  I'll try and get to it tonight.
 > >
 > >                Dave
 > Thanks Dave! I'll stop hitting my head off the "it's a configuration
 > issue" brick wall and put bluetooth use on hold till it's fixed. :-)

I fixed it in CVS, will be in the next build.



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