On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 02:22:02PM -0400, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:
> | From: Rex Dieter <rdie...@math.unl.edu>
> | Seems frustrations are mounting:
> | "On policykit and standards"
> | http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/polkit-devel/2009-May/000119.html
> [I'm an outsider.  This thread is my introduction to the whole area.
> I'm not even a KDE user.]
> This certainly does not look like a healthy approach to standardization
> and cooperation.
> - the http://cgit.freedesktop.org/PolicyKit/tree/docs/PORTING-GUIDE
>   appears clearly biased towards GNOME, even though its URL and title
>   suggest universality: the first substantial line talks about
>   polkit-gobject-1 (I *think* that gobject means GNOME object)
> - in a well-constituted standards process (not a de facto standard),
>   stakeholders are consulted before changes are made.  It looks
>   as if KDE folks have been stakeholders and have not been allowed to
>   even sign-off on the design, let alone participate in it.
> - for good reason, the normal output of a standardization process is a
>   document, not code.  There appears to be no complete documentation.
> - all stakeholders ought to be treated respectfully and equitably.
>   That means, for example, KDE ought not the be second to GNOME.
>   More particularly, the architectures should be open-ended, allowing
>   for more than KDE and GNOME.  See, for example,
>       http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ZeroOneInfinityRule
> I admit that my reactions may be ill-founded.  Perhaps this is meant

You are attempting to create problems here which don't exist. David
has already pointed out in another mail that if apps don't want to use 
the glib based library, they can talk to DBus directly. There are native
QT bindings for DBus, and pretty much any other language can talk to
DBus too with no deps on glib / gobject.

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