Paulo Cavalcanti wrote:

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Jon Ciesla < <>> wrote:

    David Nalley wrote:

        On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Paulo Cavalcanti
        < <>> wrote:
            On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 8:00 AM, David Nalley
            < <>> wrote:
                On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 6:23 AM, Paulo Cavalcanti
                < <>> wrote:

                    I submitted ampache ( for
                    review, but I was told
                    that it
                    could not use any external software
                    bundled in the code. In fact, it uses getid3, a
                    file that seems to come
                    horde (horde/Browser.php),
                    and some others.

                    According to the weekpedia

                    "Ampache has been featured in numerous online
                    blogs and technical
                    One of the more notable was the O'Reilly book
                    Spidering Hacks which
                    the security of online applications. Ampache was
                    found to be immune to
                    standard spidering hacks as described in the
                    O'Reilly article, and it
                    continued that trend by focusing on security
                    during its development. The
                    Code Philosophy listed on Ampache's wiki
                    specifically lists security as
                    of those most important considerations during
                    application development."

                    Does it make any sense to fiddle something that
                    has always had security
                    as a
                    prime concern?

                    Any comment is welcome.


                    Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
                    LCG - UFRJ

                    fedora-devel-list mailing list

                Perhaps I am the least well suited to respond as I did
                some of the
                initial review.
            No, on the contrary.

                However, there are at least 10 bundled libraries with
                including pear-XML_RPC, nusoap, getid3, small snippets
                from Horde,
                captchaphp, php-Snoopy, etc.

                In addition to the security benefits, creating the
                separate package
                means other packages (even other web apps) can make
                use of the
                libraries that would be available in Fedora instead of
                just ampache.
                I can empathize with the extra work that this causes,
                as I am trying
                to fix a few of these problems with another web app.

            Maybe we can list all of the packages we would like to
            have for web
            applications, and try to set a "task force" to cope with them?

            I think if we had three or four people willing to help,
            the work would be
            concluded fast. There are always people looking forward to
            but without a good package to work with.

        I think that's an outstanding idea, and I'd be willing to work
        such an end, and perhaps since there is such a prevalence of
        php we
        can get some buy-in from the php-sig as well. To illustrate
        some of
        the usefulness - I have a web app I am working on now that uses
        php-Snoopy as ampache also does, so that's at least two
        that can make use of the package.

    Count me in. I maintain several PHP apps, and having gone through
    the nightmare of switching from bundled to system libraries, I
    wholeheartedly agree that using system libraries from the
    beginning is the best way to go.  Using the system lib means that
    security fixes are done in one place for all apps, and we don't
    have to patch the apps, or wait for upstream to push an update
    with an updated bundled lib.

    I'll help review, etc.

Thank you Jon. I will start with getid3.

It would be nice if we had a list of packages missing available elsewhere,
so people, interested in helping, could choose what to pack.

Paulo Roma Cavalcanti
You mean like a subcategory of ?

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