Jesse Keating <> writes:
> On Sat, 2009-06-13 at 08:46 -0500, Matt Domsch wrote:
>> Your thoughts?

> If we don't do split CDs, Fedora Unity is likely to do them.

Are we sure about that?  The reasons not to bother would be just as
strong for Unity, no?

> If we
> don't produce and test split media as part of our beta/release cycle,
> we'll likely not find bugs with their usage until after the release is
> made and Fedora Unity attempts to make them.  As long as /somebody/
> within the Fedora project is going to create them and offer them to our
> users it is in our best interest to create them as part of our normal
> development cycle and iron out all the bugs before users attempt to use
> them.

I agree with that chain of reasoning, but am not convinced of the
starting premise.

                        regards, tom lane

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