As one of many, I'm the semi-happy owner of an Apple iPhone. The iPhone and the 
iPod Touch's media player db is well supported under Linux, using tools like 
libgpod, and iFuse or sshfs for access. Until recently, one could use amarok as 
a front end to sync content. But amarok-2.x does not (yet) support non-hardware 
(that is, not found by HAL) mounts.

It should be possible to make amarok-1.4 to work on F11. It is still maintained 
in epel, and the compilation fixes for F11 consisted of adding a few #include 
statements here and there. So it works - almost. It can read the db, but fails 
writing to it.

While waiting for amarok-2.x to support scripting or fuse mounts, I could use 
some advice on getting 1.4 to work. All the parts seems to be present, I just 
can't get them to play together. 


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